Welding boots

If you work with welding in your job, welding boots offer effective protection. Welding boots are especially good when you move about during welding tasks, because they protect your ankles. These work boots are safety approved and made with a focus on comfort, so you can wear them all day. Buy your welding boots here to ensure that you’re well protected from sparks.

30 Results
Jalas 1848K Titan safety boots S3, Black Jalas 1848K Titan safety boots S3, Black Jalas Logo
Save 75%
Sold out
64.00 €
Former price: Price reduced from 252.00 € to
You save: 188.00 €
51.20 €
Former price: Price reduced from 201.60 € to
You save: 150.40 €
Jalas 1848 Titan welding boots S3, Black Jalas 1848 Titan welding boots S3, Black Jalas Logo
Save 75%
Sold out
64.00 €
Former price: Price reduced from 253.00 € to
You save: 189.00 €
51.20 €
Former price: Price reduced from 202.40 € to
You save: 151.20 €
Jalas 1868 King safety boots S3, Black Jalas 1868 King safety boots S3, Black Jalas Logo
Save 84%
Sold out
40.00 €
Former price: Price reduced from 246.00 € to
You save: 206.00 €
32.00 €
Former price: Price reduced from 196.80 € to
You save: 164.80 €
Arbesko 650 safety boots S3, Black Arbesko 650 safety boots S3, Black Arbesko Logo
Save 20%
Sold out
295.20 €
Former price: Price reduced from 369.00 € to
You save: 73.80 €
236.16 €
Former price: Price reduced from 295.20 € to
You save: 59.04 €
Sanita Magma safety boots S3, Black Sanita Logo
Save 60%
Sold out
64.00 €
Former price: Price reduced from 160.00 € to
You save: 96.00 €
51.20 €
Former price: Price reduced from 128.00 € to
You save: 76.80 €
VM Footwear Reykjavik safety boots S3, Black/Yellow VM Footwear Reykjavik safety boots S3, Black/Yellow Vm Footwear
Save 63%
Sold out
81.00 €
Former price: Price reduced from 218.00 € to
You save: 137.00 €
64.80 €
Former price: Price reduced from 174.40 € to
You save: 109.60 €
Mascot Industry safety boots S3, Black Mascot Industry safety boots S3, Black Mascot Logo (1)
Save 70%
Sold out
67.00 €
Former price: Price reduced from 227.00 € to
You save: 160.00 €
53.60 €
Former price: Price reduced from 181.60 € to
You save: 128.00 €
Jalas 1228W safety boots S3, Black/Yellow Jalas 1228W safety boots S3, Black/Yellow Jalas Logo
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258.40 €
Former price: Price reduced from 323.00 € to
You save: 64.60 €
206.72 €
Former price: Price reduced from 258.40 € to
You save: 51.68 €
Toe Guard Nitro safety boots S3, Black Toe Guard Logo
Save 58%
Sold out
94.00 €
Former price: Price reduced from 224.00 € to
You save: 130.00 €
75.20 €
Former price: Price reduced from 179.20 € to
You save: 104.00 €
Mascot Boron safety boots S3, Black Mascot Boron safety boots S3, Black Mascot Logo (1)
Sold out
238.00 €
190.40 €
Jalas 1828 Jupiter safety boots S3, Black Jalas 1828 Jupiter safety boots S3, Black Jalas Logo
Sold out
250.00 €
200.00 €
Brynje All Round safety boots S3, Black Brynje
Sold out
297.00 €
237.60 €
Atlas Duo Soft 765 safety boots S3, Black Atlas Duo Soft 765 safety boots S3, Black Large ATLAS Logo Schwarz
Sold out
189.00 €
151.20 €
Jalas 1678W Gran Premio safety boots S3, Black Jalas 1678W Gran Premio safety boots S3, Black Jalas Logo
Sold out
271.00 €
216.80 €
Sievi AL Hit 7 XL+ safety boots S3, Black Sievi AL Hit 7 XL+ safety boots S3, Black Sievi Logo
Sold out
271.00 €
216.80 €
Jalas 1838S Gran Premio safety boots S3, Black Jalas Logo
Sold out
300.00 €
240.00 €
Brynje Supporter safety boots S3, Black Brynje
Sold out
319.00 €
255.20 €
Arbesko 550 safety boots S3, Black/Orange Arbesko 550 safety boots S3, Black/Orange Arbesko Logo
Sold out
420.00 €
336.00 €
Sievi AL Hit Weld XL+ safety boots S3, Black Sievi AL Hit Weld XL+ safety boots S3, Black Sievi Logo
Sold out
339.00 €
271.20 €
Jalas 3318 Drylock safety boots S3, Black Jalas 3318 Drylock safety boots S3, Black Jalas Logo
Save 20%
Sold out
260.00 €
Former price: Price reduced from 325.00 € to
You save: 65.00 €
208.00 €
Former price: Price reduced from 260.00 € to
You save: 52.00 €
Jalas 1278 Heavy Duty safety boots S3, Black Jalas 1278 Heavy Duty safety boots S3, Black Jalas Logo
Sold out
302.00 €
241.60 €
Base Welder safety boots S3, Black Base Logo
Sold out
157.00 €
125.60 €
Bata Industrials PW 328 welding boots S3, Black Bata Industrials PW 328 welding boots S3, Black Bata Logo
Sold out
302.00 €
241.60 €
Portwest FW22 Steelite Metatarsal safety boots S3, Black Portwest Logo (1)
Sold out
70.00 €
56.00 €
Emma Vulcanus D safety boots S3, Black Emma Vulcanus D safety boots S3, Black Emma Logo
Sold out
205.00 €
164.00 €
Blåkläder welding safety boots S3, Black Blåkläder welding safety boots S3, Black Blaklader Logo
Save 25%
Sold out
216.75 €
Former price: Price reduced from 289.00 € to
You save: 72.25 €
173.40 €
Former price: Price reduced from 231.20 € to
You save: 57.80 €
Jalas 1668W Gran Premio safety boots S3, Black Jalas 1668W Gran Premio safety boots S3, Black Jalas Logo
Sold out
271.00 €
216.80 €
Emma Vulcanus XD safety boots S3, Black Emma Vulcanus XD safety boots S3, Black Emma Logo
Sold out
205.00 €
164.00 €
Portwest FW07 Compositelite welding boots S3, Black Portwest Logo (1)
Sold out
70.00 €
56.00 €
Sievi AL Hit 4 XL+ safety boots S3, Black Sievi AL Hit 4 XL+ safety boots S3, Black Sievi Logo
Sold out
263.00 €
210.40 €

Welding boots

Do you prefer welding boots when working with welding? Here at Cheap-workwear.com, you can find men’s welding boots from brands such as Sievi, Brynje, Jalas and several others. If you move around in many different positions while welding, it may be a good idea for you to use a pair of welding boots in order to protect your ankles against cutting sparks and welding sparks.

Welding boots are great for working in the winter when your feet need extra warmth, but they can easily be worn in all seasons. In some sectors, it is common to wear boots all year round, ventilated with a pair of thick socks that wick moisture away from the feet.

A pair of welding boots must be made with a focus on comfort so they do not feel too heavy to wear. They should be shock-absorbing enough that you do not get sore legs and back pain when walking and standing in them on hard ground throughout your working day.

Great properties in welding and safety shoes

Welding boots can have properties such as ESD, meaning that they protect against static electricity. In order to be anti-slip, they must be SRC approved. The outsole may be resistant to oil, also known as ORO. If you stand on hot surfaces of up to 300 degrees, your welding boots can withstand it if they have HRO. Welding boots can also be water resistant.

The fact that some welding boots have breathable properties is another bonus. This simply means that your feet can breathe so that you feel as comfortable as possible.

You can get welding boots in an extra wide model, and the sizes vary from small to very large sizes.

Functional welding boots

A good pair of welding boots must have toe caps so that your feet are optimally protected if you drop something heavy on them. They can also have an extra wear nose or ProNose, which makes them particularly well-suited for work that requires you to be on your knees or crawl around in positions that can wear out the front of the shoes. If you have to stand on a ladder, welding boots with ladder grips are a good idea, as they give you a much better grip on the ladder than in boots without ladder grips.

There are welding boots with both laces and velcro closures , so you can choose which option works best for you.

A good way to achieve full protection from head to toe is by supplementing your welding boots with flame retardant workwear from Cheap-workwear.com. That way, your clothes and footwear can withstand sparks and embers effectively.

Have a look on the webshop and find the welding boots that meet your and your workplace’s requirements for boots for welding work. You can both get the latest boots and cheap surplus stock on offer at good prices.